Rob, originally from the vibrant city of Salt Lake City, Utah, is a versatile artist who has been captivated by the world of creativity from a young age. Initially expressing himself through drawing, he has since expanded his artistic horizons, delving into an array of mediums and styles that shape his unique artistic identity.
Inspired by the raw energy of street art, the dreamlike nature of surrealism, and the expressive storytelling of comic-style art, Rob has also developed a particular affinity for the striking visual language of trash polka. This diverse range of influences fuels his passion for producing art that not only speaks to his soul but also connects with those who experience it.
His insatiable curiosity and dedication to his craft have led him to explore the cutting-edge intersection of art, blockchain technology, and artificial intelligence. Passionate about the potential these technologies offer, he envisions a future where creativity and innovation harmoniously coexist, revolutionizing the way we perceive and experience art.
As Rob continues to evolve and challenge himself as an artist, he eagerly anticipates bringing his work to a broader audience and embarking on a journey that will not only redefine his artistic career but also contribute to the ever-changing landscape of art and technology.